Tips For Building your Facebook Network
August 16, 2016 | By Kelly Ehlers
Photo Credit: @alice_von_renard
Growing your Facebook fans may seem like a daunting task, you can create an awesome page with beautiful photos and content, but unless you know how to best promote it, your fans may never find your page! We often remind our clients that social media is not a popularity contest, but in the same regard, it’s important to have a valuable audience to talk to on your Facebook page.
In order to start the momentum and grow your Facebook presence, here are a few tips courtesy of the Social Media Examiner.
1. Connect with other pages. Use your real life connections to foster Facebook connections. The store down the street where your staff gets the morning coffee, or a local business you’ve done fundraisers with, all of these connections can introduce your local community to your Facebook page.
2. Share Original Content as often as possible. Your salon has beauty happening every minute of every day, post that content. Remember to snap a quick photos to accompany the post.
3. Use your personal Facebook contacts. Share your professional page on your business page, and ask your personal friends to like your page!
4. Add a link to your Facebook page in your email signature. Everyone you are emailing should be aware of your Facebook page, provide them with an easy way to access it.
5. When there are applicable posts from others in the beauty industry or your community don’t be afraid to join the conversation. Facebook users want to interact with pages that are not just a sounding board.
6. Promote your page in your salon. Whether it’s a mirror cling, a poster on the wall or a link on your business cards, reminding your clients about your social media while they are in your salon will go a long way.
7. Add social sharing buttons to your website. This makes it easy for your fans to interact with your content.
In fact, at Evoke Brand Strategies we recently assisted a client with their social outreach, resulting in a Facebook page gain of over 600 fans in a single week. We did this by adding our networks to the clients email outreach programs and individual company signatures. With the right strategy, a little bit can go a long way for your social media exposure.
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions at: and, be sure to “like” our Facebook page.